Map of Cambodia

Siem Reap region is 10,299 square kilometers huge and unquestionably a standout amongst the most well known ones in Cambodia. It's situated in the Northwest of the nation circumscribing toward the North with Oddor Meanchey, toward the East with Preah Vihear and Kampong Thom, toward the West with Banteay Meanchey and toward the South with the greatest sweet water save in Southeast Asia, the gigantic Tonle Sap Lake. 

The territory by and large, particularly in the Southern part comprises of the run of the mill plain wet range for Cambodia, covering bunches of rice fields and other farming estates. The northern part is transforming into an undulating region secured with some more profound, green woodlands. An entirely recognized sign of Siem Reap Province is the littler, yet imperative Siem Reap River. It ascends from Phnom Kulen, winds through the northern piece of Siem Reap Province and in the end into the Tonle Sap Lake

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