Sisowath I was king of Cambodia from 1904 to his death in 1927. He was the son of King Ang Duong and half brother of Prince Si Votha and King Norodom

1860: He did not return to his native Cambodia until 1860, when his father and the ruling monarch, Ang Duong, died.

1864: Sisowath was enraged - and he exiled himself to Saigon in Vietnam in 1864, the other former overlord of Cambodia, in a show of defiance.
1867: In 1867, when Cambodia was in open rebellion against French rule, King Norodom pleaded Sisowath to return to Cambodia to quell the rising.
1904: In 1904, when Norodom died, Sisowath was crowned as king of Cambodia, a crown that would have gone to one of Norodom's son, Prince Yukanthor, if the latter didn't have a fall-out with the French.
1927: In 1927, he died in Phnom Penh and took the posthumous name of Preah Karuna Preah Sisowath Preah Reacheanukot.

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